Thursday, September 30, 2004

Today's Photos

Today you get a series from one extraordinary acropora photographed at Saltwater Paradise in Irving, TX.

Canon 20D, 100mm macro lens
1/100 @ f/5.6, ISO 1600

Today's Photo

Frogspawn coral, euphyllia divisa.
Canon 10D, 28-135mm IS lens with 500D diopter.

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Today's Photo

"Rose" bulb-tipped anemone.
Canon 10D, 28-135IS lens with 500D diopter, 420EX flash on hotshoe.

Lens Saver

Looking for a cheap way to protect your lens from hitting the aquarium glass? A step-up ring is the way to go! The other day I took a diopter off my 100mm lens and left the 58-72mm adapter ring on the lens out of pure laziness. I soon realized I should always shoot with the ring on! The stock lens hood is cumbersome and pushes the lens back too far from the glass for good macros. And the last thing I want to do is scratch a $500 piece of glass...

Welcome to the Aquarium Photography Blog!

Coming soon: Photography equipment, technique, tips, and photos of freshwater and reef fish and corals.

Stay tuned!